Xyst test code coverage report
Current view: top level - Base - Progress.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: d790e211db0f2cf155e72db869cf1a5a372c10f5 Lines: 31 32 96.9 %
Date: 2025-02-17 15:39:21 Functions: 13 13 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 33 50 66.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Base/Progress.hpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.,
       7                 :            :              2022-2025 J. Bakosi
       8                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       9                 :            :   \brief     Simple progress indicator
      10                 :            :   \details   Simple progress indicator.
      11                 :            : */
      12                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      13                 :            : #ifndef Progress_h
      14                 :            : #define Progress_h
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            : #include <array>
      17                 :            : #include <functional>
      18                 :            : 
      19                 :            : #include "TaggedTuple.hpp"
      20                 :            : #include "Print.hpp"
      21                 :            : 
      22                 :            : namespace tk {
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            : //! Simple progress class for outputing progress indicators during a task
      25                 :            : //! \details This is a helper class to abstract away the details of using
      26                 :            : //!   Print::progress() used to output progress reports to the screen during
      27                 :            : //!   a task consisting of multiple sub-tasks happening at the same time. The
      28                 :            : //!   template argument is a compile-time integer which is the number of
      29                 :            : //!   independent sub-tasks the progress indicator receives messages for and
      30                 :            : //!   counts them independtly toward multiple maxima.
      31                 :            : template< std::size_t N >
      32                 :          0 : class Progress {
      33                 :            : 
      34                 :            :   public:
      35                 :            :     //! Constructor
      36                 :            :     //! \param[in] feedback Whether to send sub-task feedback to host    
      37                 :            :     //! \param[in] prefix Strings to output prefixing the progress report
      38                 :            :     //! \param[in] legend Legend for each prefix to output at start
      39                 :            :     //! \param[in] max Array of integers equaling the max number of items to be
      40                 :            :     //!   expected per sub-task
      41                 :        532 :     explicit Progress( bool feedback,
      42                 :            :                        const std::array< std::string, N >& prefix,
      43                 :            :                        const std::array< std::string, N >& legend,
      44                 :            :                        std::array< int, N >&& max = std::array< int, N >() )
      45                 :        532 :     : m_feedback( feedback ),
      46                 :        532 :       m_prefix( std::move(prefix) ),
      47         [ +  - ]:        532 :       m_legend( std::move(legend) ),
      48                 :        532 :       m_finished( false ),
      49                 :        532 :       m_progress_size( 0 ),
      50                 :        532 :       m_max( std::move(max) )
      51                 :            :     {
      52                 :            :       m_done.fill( 0 ); 
      53                 :        532 :     }
      54                 :            : 
      55                 :            :    //! Start counting sub-tasks outputing an intial task message
      56                 :            :    //! \param[in] print Pretty printer object to use for printing progress
      57                 :            :    //! \param[in] msg Message to output to screen. This message should be
      58                 :            :    //!   descriptive of all the sub-tasks we are responsible for. I.e., this
      59                 :            :    //!   is usually a list of multiple sub-tasks happening at the same time.
      60                 :            :    //!   Appending to msg we also output the legend of subtasks in parentheses.
      61         [ +  + ]:        506 :    void start( const Print& print, const std::string& msg ) {
      62                 :            :      std::string legend;
      63         [ +  + ]:        506 :      if (m_feedback) {
      64         [ +  - ]:         26 :        legend.append( " (" );
      65 [ +  - ][ +  + ]:        130 :        for (const auto& l : m_legend) legend.append( l + ", " );
      66                 :            :        legend.pop_back();
      67                 :            :        legend.pop_back();
      68         [ +  - ]:         26 :        legend.append( ")" );
      69                 :            :      }
      70         [ +  - ]:        506 :      legend.append( " ..." );
      71 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        506 :      print.diagstart( msg + legend );
                 [ -  - ]
      72         [ +  + ]:        506 :      m_progress_size = 0;
      73                 :        506 :    }
      74                 :            : 
      75                 :            :    //! \brief Start counting sub-tasks outputing an intial task message and set
      76                 :            :    //!   max number of items to be expected per sub-task
      77                 :            :    //! \param[in] print Pretty printer object to use for printing progress
      78                 :            :    //! \param[in] msg Message to output to screen. This message should be
      79                 :            :    //!   descriptive of all the sub-tasks we are responsible for. I.e., this
      80                 :            :    //!   is usually a list of multiple sub-tasks happening at the same time.
      81                 :            :    //! \param[in] max Array of integers equaling the max number of items to be
      82                 :            :    //!   expected per sub-task
      83                 :            :    //! \details This function can be used to do the same as start( msg ) and
      84                 :            :    //!   update/reset the max number of items per sub-task in case they are not
      85                 :            :    //!   all yet available when the constructor is called.
      86                 :            :    void start( const Print& print,
      87                 :            :                const std::string& msg,
      88                 :            :                std::array< int, N >&& max )
      89                 :            :    {
      90                 :        506 :      m_max = std::move(max);
      91 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        506 :      start( print, msg );
      92                 :        506 :    }
      93                 :            : 
      94                 :            :    //! Receive an update to a sub-task counter and update progress report
      95                 :            :    //! \param[in] print Pretty printer object to use for printing progress
      96                 :            :    //! \details The template argument indexes the sub-task. A compile-time
      97                 :            :    //!   assert emits an error in case it is out of bounds.
      98         [ +  + ]:        320 :    template< std::size_t i > void inc( const Print& print ) {
      99                 :            :      static_assert( i < N, "Indexing out of bounds" );
     100                 :        320 :      ++m_done[i];
     101         [ +  + ]:        320 :      if (!m_finished) report( print );
     102                 :        320 :    }
     103                 :            : 
     104                 :            :    //! Finish progress report updating it one last time
     105                 :            :    //! \param[in] print Pretty printer object to use for printing progress
     106                 :            :    //! \details When this function is called, all sub-tasks are assumed to be
     107                 :            :    //!   finished, i.e., assumed to have reached their respective maximum
     108                 :            :    //!   values. Thus we update our 'done' array to be equal to 'max' and output
     109                 :            :    //!   the progress report one final time before outputing 'done'. When this
     110                 :            :    //!   function is called it is possible that not all sub-task counters have
     111                 :            :    //!   reached their maximum, which can happen if the final reduction (if
     112                 :            :    //!   exists), signaling the absolute end of a task (consisting of multiple
     113                 :            :    //!   sub-tasks we count counters for), is scheduled before (or is faster)
     114                 :            :    //!   than as the individual sub-task counting messages arrive. Even if that
     115                 :            :    //!   is the case, this call "officially" finishes all sub-tasks, and outputs
     116                 :            :    //!   the progress report using the max values for all sub-tasks to leave a
     117                 :            :    //!   consistent screen output finishing the task.
     118                 :        506 :    void end( const Print& print ) {
     119                 :        506 :      m_finished = true;
     120                 :        506 :      m_done = m_max;
     121                 :            :      report( print );
     122                 :        506 :      print.diagend( "done" );
     123                 :        506 :    }
     124                 :            : 
     125                 :            :   private:
     126                 :            :     bool m_feedback;            //!< Whether to send sub-task feedback to host
     127                 :            :     const std::array< std::string, N > m_prefix;        //!< Sub-task prefixes
     128                 :            :     const std::array< std::string, N > m_legend;        //!< Sub-task legend
     129                 :            :     bool m_finished;            //!< Whether task has finished
     130                 :            :     std::size_t m_progress_size;//!< Size of previous progress report
     131                 :            :     std::array< int, N > m_max; //!< Max number of items per sub-task
     132                 :            :     std::array< int, N > m_done;//!< Number of items done per sub-task
     133                 :            : 
     134                 :            :    //! Output progress report to screen
     135                 :            :    //! \param[in] print Pretty printer object to use for printing progress
     136                 :            :    //! \details This output contains a status on each of the multiple sub-task
     137                 :            :    //!   counters as they all work towards their respective maxima.
     138                 :            :    //! \see Print::progress()
     139                 :            :    void report( const Print& print ) {
     140 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:        801 :      if (m_feedback)
         [ +  + ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
         [ +  - ][ +  - ]
                 [ +  - ]
     141                 :        286 :        print.progress< N >( m_prefix, m_done, m_max, m_progress_size );
     142                 :            :    }
     143                 :            : };
     144                 :            : 
     145                 :            : } // tk::
     146                 :            : 
     147                 :            : #endif // Progress_h

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