Xyst test code coverage report
Current view: top level - Mesh - Reorder.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: d790e211db0f2cf155e72db869cf1a5a372c10f5 Lines: 78 78 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-17 15:39:21 Functions: 15 15 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 68 98 69.4 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Mesh/Reorder.cpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.,
       7                 :            :              2022-2025 J. Bakosi
       8                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       9                 :            :   \brief     Mesh reordering routines for unstructured meshes
      10                 :            :   \details   Mesh reordering routines for unstructured meshes.
      11                 :            : */
      12                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      13                 :            : 
      14                 :            : #include <algorithm>
      15                 :            : #include <iterator>
      16                 :            : #include <unordered_map>
      17                 :            : #include <map>
      18                 :            : #include <tuple>
      19                 :            : #include <cstddef>
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            : #include "Reorder.hpp"
      22                 :            : #include "Exception.hpp"
      23                 :            : #include "ContainerUtil.hpp"
      24                 :            : #include "Vector.hpp"
      25                 :            : 
      26                 :            : namespace tk {
      27                 :            : 
      28                 :            : std::size_t
      29         [ +  + ]:        199 : shiftToZero( std::vector< std::size_t >& inpoel )
      30                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      31                 :            : //  Shift node IDs to start with zero in element connectivity
      32                 :            : //! \param[inout] inpoel Inteconnectivity of points and elements
      33                 :            : //! \return Amount shifted
      34                 :            : //! \details This function implements a simple reordering of the node ids of the
      35                 :            : //!   element connectivity in inpoel by shifting the node ids so that the
      36                 :            : //!   smallest is zero.
      37                 :            : //! \note It is okay to call this function with an empty container; it will
      38                 :            : //!    simply return without throwing an exception.
      39                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      40                 :            : {
      41         [ +  + ]:        199 :   if (inpoel.empty()) return 0;
      42                 :            : 
      43                 :            :   // find smallest node id
      44                 :        162 :   auto minId = *std::min_element( begin(inpoel), end(inpoel) );
      45                 :            : 
      46                 :            :   // shift node ids to start from zero
      47                 :            :   // cppcheck-suppress useStlAlgorithm
      48         [ +  + ]:    2130197 :   for (auto& n : inpoel) n -= minId;
      49                 :            : 
      50                 :            :   return minId;
      51                 :            : }
      52                 :            : 
      53                 :            : void
      54         [ +  - ]:        148 : remap( std::vector< std::size_t >& ids, const std::vector< std::size_t >& map )
      55                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      56                 :            : //  Apply new maping to vector of indices
      57                 :            : //! \param[inout] ids Vector of integer IDs to remap
      58                 :            : //! \param[in] map Array of indices creating a new order
      59                 :            : //! \details This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs
      60                 :            : //!   passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed between the
      61                 :            : //!   array index and its value. The function overwrites every value, i, of
      62                 :            : //!   vector ids with map[i].
      63                 :            : //! \note The sizes of ids and map need not equal. Only the maximum index in ids
      64                 :            : //!   must be lower than the size of map.
      65                 :            : //! \note It is okay to call this function with either of the containers empty;
      66                 :            : //!   it will simply return without throwing an exception.
      67                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      68                 :            : {
      69 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        148 :   if (ids.empty() || map.empty()) return;
      70                 :            : 
      71                 :            :   Assert( *max_element( begin(ids), end(ids) ) < map.size(),
      72                 :            :           "Indexing out of bounds" );
      73                 :            : 
      74                 :            :   // remap integer IDs in vector ids
      75                 :            :   // cppcheck-suppress useStlAlgorithm
      76         [ +  + ]:    1201708 :   for (auto& i : ids) i = map[i];
      77                 :            : }
      78                 :            : 
      79                 :            : void
      80         [ +  - ]:          4 : remap( std::vector< tk::real >& r, const std::vector< std::size_t >& map )
      81                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      82                 :            : //  Apply new maping to vector of real numbers
      83                 :            : //! \param[inout] r Vector of real numbers to remap
      84                 :            : //! \param[in] map Array of indices creating a new order
      85                 :            : //! \details This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the real values
      86                 :            : //!   passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed between the
      87                 :            : //!   array index and its value. The function moves every value r[i] to
      88                 :            : //!   r[ map[i] ].
      89                 :            : //! \note The sizes of r and map must be equal and the maximum index in map must
      90                 :            : //!   be lower than the size of map.
      91                 :            : //! \note It is okay to call this function with either of the containers empty;
      92                 :            : //!   it will simply return without throwing an exception.
      93                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      94                 :            : {
      95 [ +  - ][ -  + ]:          4 :   if (r.empty() || map.empty()) return;
      96                 :            : 
      97                 :            :   Assert( r.size() == map.size(), "Size mismatch" );
      98                 :            :   Assert( *max_element( begin(map), end(map) ) < map.size(),
      99                 :            :           "Indexing out of bounds" );
     100                 :            : 
     101                 :            :   // remap real numbers in vector
     102                 :          4 :   auto m = r;
     103         [ +  + ]:      52736 :   for (std::size_t i=0; i<map.size(); ++i) r[ map[i] ] = m[ i ];
     104                 :            : }
     105                 :            : 
     106                 :            : std::vector< std::size_t >
     107         [ -  + ]:          1 : remap( const std::vector< std::size_t >& ids,
     108                 :            :        const std::vector< std::size_t >& map )
     109                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     110                 :            : //  Create remapped vector of indices using a vector
     111                 :            : //! \param[in] ids Vector of integer IDs to remap
     112                 :            : //! \param[in] map Array of indices creating a new order
     113                 :            : //! \return Remapped vector of ids
     114                 :            : //! \details This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs
     115                 :            : //!   passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed between the
     116                 :            : //!   array index and its value. The function creates and returns a new container
     117                 :            : //!   with remapped ids of identical size of the origin ids container.
     118                 :            : //! \note The sizes of ids and map must be equal and the maximum index in map
     119                 :            : //!   must be lower than the size of map.
     120                 :            : //! \note It is okay to call this function with either of the containers empty;
     121                 :            : //!   if ids is empty, it returns an empty container; if map is empty, it will
     122                 :            : //!   return the original container.
     123                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     124                 :            : {
     125         [ -  + ]:          1 :   if (ids.empty()) return {};
     126         [ -  + ]:          1 :   if (map.empty()) return ids;
     127                 :            : 
     128                 :            :   Assert( *max_element( begin(ids), end(ids) ) < map.size(),
     129                 :            :           "Indexing out of bounds" );
     130                 :            : 
     131                 :            :   // in terms of the in-place remap of a vector usinga vector
     132                 :          1 :   auto newids = ids;
     133         [ +  - ]:          1 :   remap( newids, map );
     134                 :            : 
     135                 :            :   return newids;
     136                 :            : }
     137                 :            : 
     138                 :            : void
     139                 :      14218 : remap( std::vector< std::size_t >& ids,
     140                 :            :        const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t >& map )
     141                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     142                 :            : //  In-place remap vector of indices using a map
     143                 :            : //! \param[in] ids Vector of integer IDs to remap
     144                 :            : //! \param[in] map Hash-map of key->value creating a new order
     145                 :            : //! \details This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs
     146                 :            : //!   passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed as a hash-map
     147                 :            : //!   of key->value pairs, where the key is the original and the value is the
     148                 :            : //!   new ids of the mapping. The function overwrites the ids container with the
     149                 :            : //!   remapped ids of identical size.
     150                 :            : //! \note All ids in the input ids container must have a key in the map.
     151                 :            : //!   Otherwise an exception is thrown.
     152                 :            : //! \note It is okay to call this function with the ids container empty but not
     153                 :            : //!   okay to pass an empty map.
     154                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     155                 :            : {
     156                 :            :   Assert( !map.empty(), "Map must not be empty" );
     157                 :            : 
     158                 :            :   // cppcheck-suppress useStlAlgorithm
     159         [ +  + ]:    2907209 :   for (auto& i : ids) i = tk::cref_find( map, i );
     160                 :      14218 : }
     161                 :            : 
     162                 :            : std::vector< std::size_t >
     163                 :       2673 : remap( const std::vector< std::size_t >& ids,
     164                 :            :        const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t >& map )
     165                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     166                 :            : //  Create remapped vector of indices using a map
     167                 :            : //! \param[in] ids Vector of integer IDs to create new container of ids from
     168                 :            : //! \param[in] map Hash-map of key->value creating a new order
     169                 :            : //! \return Remapped vector of ids
     170                 :            : //! \details This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the integer IDs
     171                 :            : //!   passed in using the map passed in. The mapping is expressed as a hash-map
     172                 :            : //!   of key->value pairs, where the key is the original and the value is the
     173                 :            : //!   new ids of the mapping. The function creates and returns a new container
     174                 :            : //!   with the remapped ids of identical size of the original ids container.
     175                 :            : //! \note All ids in the input ids container must have a key in the map.
     176                 :            : //!   Otherwise an exception is thrown.
     177                 :            : //! \note It is okay to call this function with the ids container empty but not
     178                 :            : //!   okay to pass an empty map.
     179                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     180                 :            : {
     181                 :            :   Assert( !map.empty(), "Map must not be empty" );
     182                 :            : 
     183                 :            :   // in terms of the in-place remap of a vector using a map
     184                 :       2673 :   auto newids = ids;
     185         [ +  - ]:       2673 :   remap( newids, map );
     186                 :            : 
     187                 :       2673 :   return newids;
     188                 :            : }
     189                 :            : 
     190                 :            : std::map< int, std::vector< std::size_t > >
     191                 :       3639 : remap( const std::map< int, std::vector< std::size_t > >& ids,
     192                 :            :        const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t >& map )
     193                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     194                 :            : //  Create remapped map of vector of indices using a map
     195                 :            : //! \param[in] ids Map of vector of integer IDs to create new container of ids
     196                 :            : //!   from
     197                 :            : //! \param[in] map Hash-map of key->value creating a new order
     198                 :            : //! \return Remapped vector of ids
     199                 :            : //! \details This function applies a mapping (reordering) to the map of integer
     200                 :            : //!   IDs passed in using the map passed in by applying remap(vector,map) on
     201                 :            : //!   each vector of ids. The keys in the returned map will be the same as in
     202                 :            : //!   ids.
     203                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     204                 :            : {
     205                 :            :   Assert( !map.empty(), "Map must not be empty" );
     206                 :            : 
     207                 :            :   // in terms of the in-place remap of a vector using a map
     208                 :            :   auto newids = ids;
     209 [ +  - ][ +  + ]:      13385 :   for (auto& m : newids) remap( m.second, map );
     210                 :            : 
     211                 :       3639 :   return newids;
     212                 :            : }
     213                 :            : 
     214                 :            : std::vector< std::size_t >
     215                 :          3 : renumber( const std::pair< std::vector< std::size_t >,
     216                 :            :                            std::vector< std::size_t > >& psup )
     217                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     218                 :            : //  Reorder mesh points with the advancing front technique
     219                 :            : //! \param[in] psup Points surrounding points
     220                 :            : //! \return Mapping created by renumbering (reordering)
     221                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     222                 :            : {
     223                 :            :   // Find out number of nodes in graph
     224                 :          3 :   auto npoin = psup.second.size()-1;
     225                 :            : 
     226                 :            :   // Construct mapping using advancing front
     227 [ +  - ][ -  - ]:          3 :   std::vector< int > hpoin( npoin, -1 ), lpoin( npoin, 0 );
     228 [ +  - ][ -  - ]:          3 :   std::vector< std::size_t > map( npoin, 0 );
     229                 :          3 :   hpoin[0] = 0;
     230                 :          3 :   lpoin[0] = 1;
     231                 :            :   std::size_t num = 1;
     232         [ +  + ]:         34 :   while (num < npoin) {
     233                 :            :     std::size_t cnt = 0;
     234                 :            :     std::size_t i = 0;
     235 [ +  - ][ -  - ]:         31 :     std::vector< int > kpoin( npoin, -1 );
     236                 :            :     int p;
     237         [ +  + ]:      15636 :     while ((p = hpoin[i]) != -1) {
     238                 :      15605 :       ++i;
     239                 :      15605 :       auto P = static_cast< std::size_t >( p );
     240         [ +  + ]:     226793 :       for (auto j=psup.second[P]+1; j<=psup.second[P+1]; ++j) {
     241         [ +  + ]:     211188 :         auto q = psup.first[j];
     242         [ +  + ]:     211188 :         if (lpoin[q] != 1) {    // consider points not yet counted
     243                 :      17601 :           map[q] = num++;
     244                 :      17601 :           kpoin[cnt] = static_cast< int >( q ); // register point as counted
     245                 :      17601 :           lpoin[q] = 1;                         // register the point as counted
     246                 :      17601 :           ++cnt;
     247                 :            :         }
     248                 :            :       }
     249                 :            :     }
     250         [ +  - ]:         31 :     hpoin = kpoin;
     251                 :            :   }
     252                 :            : 
     253                 :            : //   // Construct new->old id map
     254                 :            : //   std::size_t i = 0;
     255                 :            : //   std::vector< std::size_t > oldmap( npoin );
     256                 :            : //   for (auto n : map) oldmap[n] = i++;
     257                 :            : 
     258                 :            :   // Return old->new and new->old maps
     259                 :          3 :   return map;
     260                 :            : }
     261                 :            : 
     262                 :            : std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t >
     263                 :       6005 : assignLid( const std::vector< std::size_t >& gid )
     264                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     265                 :            : //  Assign local ids to global ids
     266                 :            : //! \param[in] gid Global ids
     267                 :            : //! \return Map associating global ids to local ids
     268                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     269                 :            : {
     270                 :            :   std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t > lid;
     271                 :            :   std::size_t l = 0;
     272 [ +  - ][ +  + ]:    1118106 :   for (auto p : gid) lid[p] = l++;
     273                 :       6005 :   return lid;
     274                 :            : }
     275                 :            : 
     276                 :            : std::tuple< std::vector< std::size_t >,
     277                 :            :             std::vector< std::size_t >,
     278                 :            :             std::unordered_map< std::size_t, std::size_t > >
     279                 :       6005 : global2local( const std::vector< std::size_t >& ginpoel )
     280                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     281                 :            : //  Generate element connectivity of local node IDs from connectivity of global
     282                 :            : //  node IDs also returning the mapping between local to global IDs
     283                 :            : //! \param[in] ginpoel Element connectivity with global node IDs
     284                 :            : //! \return Tuple of (1) element connectivity with local node IDs, (2) the
     285                 :            : //!   vector of unique global node IDs (i.e., the mapping between local to
     286                 :            : //!   global node IDs), and (3) mapping between global to local node IDs.
     287                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     288                 :            : {
     289                 :            :   // Make a copy of the element connectivity with global node ids
     290                 :       6005 :   auto gid = ginpoel;
     291                 :            : 
     292                 :            :   // Generate a vector that holds only the unique global mesh node ids
     293         [ +  - ]:       6005 :   tk::unique( gid );
     294                 :            : 
     295                 :            :   // Assign local node ids to global node ids
     296         [ +  - ]:       6005 :   const auto lid = tk::assignLid( gid );
     297                 :            : 
     298                 :            :   Assert( gid.size() == lid.size(), "Size mismatch" );
     299                 :            : 
     300                 :            :   // Generate element connectivity using local node ids
     301         [ +  - ]:       6005 :   std::vector< std::size_t > inpoel( ginpoel.size() );
     302                 :            :   std::size_t j = 0;
     303         [ +  + ]:   13750228 :   for (auto p : ginpoel) inpoel[ j++ ] = tk::cref_find( lid, p );
     304                 :            : 
     305                 :            :   // Return element connectivty with local node IDs
     306                 :       6005 :   return std::make_tuple( inpoel, gid, lid );
     307                 :            : }
     308                 :            : 
     309                 :            : bool
     310                 :          2 : positiveJacobians( const std::vector< std::size_t >& inpoel,
     311                 :            :                    const std::array< std::vector< real >, 3 >& coord )
     312                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     313                 :            : // Test for positivity of the Jacobian for all cells in mesh
     314                 :            : //! \param[in] inpoel Element connectivity (zero-based, i.e., local if parallel)
     315                 :            : //! \param[in] coord Node coordinates
     316                 :            : //! \return True if Jacobians of all mesh cells are positive
     317                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     318                 :            : {
     319                 :            :   Assert( !inpoel.empty(), "Mesh connectivity empty" );
     320                 :            :   Assert( inpoel.size() % 4 == 0,
     321                 :            :           "Mesh connectivity size must be divisible by 4 " );
     322                 :            :   Assert( tk::uniquecopy(inpoel).size() == coord[0].size(), "Number of unique "
     323                 :            :           "nodes in mesh connectivity must equal the number of nodes to which "
     324                 :            :           "coordinates have been supplied" );
     325                 :            :   Assert( tk::uniquecopy(inpoel).size() == coord[1].size(), "Number of unique "
     326                 :            :           "nodes in mesh connectivity must equal the number of nodes to which "
     327                 :            :           "coordinates have been supplied" );
     328                 :            :   Assert( tk::uniquecopy(inpoel).size() == coord[2].size(), "Number of unique "
     329                 :            :           "nodes in mesh connectivity must equal the number of nodes to which "
     330                 :            :           "coordinates have been supplied" );
     331                 :            :   Assert( *std::minmax_element( begin(inpoel), end(inpoel) ).first == 0,
     332                 :            :           "node ids should start from zero" );
     333                 :            : 
     334                 :            :   const auto& x = coord[0];
     335                 :            :   const auto& y = coord[1];
     336                 :            :   const auto& z = coord[2];
     337                 :            : 
     338         [ +  + ]:         30 :   for (std::size_t e=0; e<inpoel.size()/4; ++e) {
     339         [ +  + ]:         29 :     const std::array< std::size_t, 4 > N{{ inpoel[e*4+0], inpoel[e*4+1],
     340                 :         29 :                                            inpoel[e*4+2], inpoel[e*4+3] }};
     341                 :            :     // compute element Jacobi determinant / (5/120) = element volume * 4
     342                 :            :     const std::array< tk::real, 3 >
     343                 :         29 :       ba{{ x[N[1]]-x[N[0]], y[N[1]]-y[N[0]], z[N[1]]-z[N[0]] }},
     344                 :         29 :       ca{{ x[N[2]]-x[N[0]], y[N[2]]-y[N[0]], z[N[2]]-z[N[0]] }},
     345         [ +  + ]:         29 :       da{{ x[N[3]]-x[N[0]], y[N[3]]-y[N[0]], z[N[3]]-z[N[0]] }};
     346         [ +  + ]:         29 :     if (tk::triple( ba, ca, da ) < 0) return false;
     347                 :            :  }
     348                 :            : 
     349                 :            :  return true;
     350                 :            : }
     351                 :            : 
     352                 :            : std::map< int, std::vector< std::size_t > >
     353                 :         82 : bfacenodes( const std::map< int, std::vector< std::size_t > >& bface,
     354                 :            :             const std::vector< std::size_t >& triinpoel )
     355                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     356                 :            : // Generate nodes of side set faces
     357                 :            : //! \param[in] bface Boundary-faces mapped to side set ids
     358                 :            : //! \param[in] triinpoel Boundary-face connectivity
     359                 :            : //! \return Nodes of side set faces for each side set passed in
     360                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     361                 :            : {
     362                 :            :   auto bfn = bface;
     363                 :            : 
     364         [ +  + ]:        444 :   for (auto& [s,b] : bfn) {
     365                 :            :     std::vector< std::size_t > nodes;
     366         [ +  + ]:      40100 :     for (auto f : b) {
     367         [ +  - ]:      39738 :       nodes.push_back( triinpoel[f*3+0] );
     368         [ +  - ]:      39738 :       nodes.push_back( triinpoel[f*3+1] );
     369         [ +  - ]:      39738 :       nodes.push_back( triinpoel[f*3+2] );
     370                 :            :     }
     371         [ +  - ]:        362 :     tk::unique( nodes );
     372                 :            :     b = std::move( nodes );
     373                 :            :   }
     374                 :            : 
     375                 :         82 :   return bfn;
     376                 :            : }
     377                 :            : 
     378                 :            : tk::real
     379                 :    6740760 : count( const std::unordered_map< int, std::unordered_set< std::size_t > >& map,
     380                 :            :        std::size_t node )
     381                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     382                 :            : //  Count the number of contributions to a node
     383                 :            : //! \param[in] map Node commuinication map to search in
     384                 :            : //! \param[in] node Global node id to search for
     385                 :            : //! \return Count of contributions to node
     386                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     387                 :            : {
     388                 :    6740760 :   return 1.0 + static_cast< tk::real >( std::count_if( map.cbegin(), map.cend(),
     389                 :    6740760 :     [&](const auto& s) { return s.second.find(node) != s.second.cend(); } ) );
     390                 :            : }
     391                 :            : 
     392                 :            : bool
     393                 :  152562339 : slave( const std::unordered_map< int, std::unordered_set< std::size_t > >& map,
     394                 :            :        std::size_t node,
     395                 :            :        int chare )
     396                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     397                 :            : //  Decide if a node is not counted by a chare
     398                 :            : //! \param[in] map Node commuinication map to search in
     399                 :            : //! \param[in] node Global node id to search for
     400                 :            : //! \param[in] chare Caller chare id (but really can be any chare id)
     401                 :            : //! \return True if the node is a slave (counted by another chare with a lower
     402                 :            : //!   chare id)
     403                 :            : //! \details If a node is found in the node communication map and is associated
     404                 :            : //! to a lower chare id than the chare id given, it is counted by another chare
     405                 :            : //! (and not the caller one), hence a "slave" (for the purpose of this count).
     406                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
     407                 :            : {
     408                 :            :   return
     409                 :            :     std::any_of( map.cbegin(), map.cend(),
     410                 :  192389433 :       [&](const auto& s) {
     411 [ +  + ][ +  + ]:  192389433 :         return s.second.find(node) != s.second.cend() && s.first > chare; } );
     412                 :            : }
     413                 :            : 
     414                 :            : } // tk::

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