// *****************************************************************************
\file src/Statistics/PDFReducer.cpp
\copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.,
2022-2025 J. Bakosi
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
\brief Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs
\details Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
// *****************************************************************************
#include "PDFReducer.hpp"
namespace tk {
std::pair< int, std::unique_ptr<char[]> >
serialize( std::size_t meshid, const std::vector< tk::UniPDF >& u )
// *****************************************************************************
// Serialize univariate PDFs to raw memory stream
//! \param[in] meshid Mesh ID
//! \param[in] u Univariate PDFs
//! \return Pair of the length and the raw stream containing the serialized PDFs
// *****************************************************************************
// Prepare for serializing PDF to a raw binary stream, compute size
PUP::sizer sizer;
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
sizer | meshid;<--- Unmatched suppression: uninitvar
sizer | const_cast< std::vector< tk::UniPDF >& >( u );
// Create raw character stream to store the serialized PDF
std::unique_ptr<char[]> flatData = std::make_unique<char[]>( sizer.size() );
// Serialize PDF, the message will contain a univariate PDF
PUP::toMem packer( flatData.get() );
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
packer | meshid;<--- Unmatched suppression: uninitvar
packer | const_cast< std::vector< tk::UniPDF >& >( u );
// Return size of and raw stream
return { sizer.size(), std::move(flatData) };
mergeUniPDFs( int nmsg, CkReductionMsg **msgs )
// *****************************************************************************
// Charm++ custom reducer for merging a univariate PDFs during reduction across
// PEs
//! \param[in] nmsg Number of messages in msgs
//! \param[in] msgs Charm++ reduction message containing the serialized PDF
//! \return Aggregated PDF built for further aggregation if needed
// *****************************************************************************
// Will store deserialized univariate PDFs
std::size_t meshid;
std::vector< tk::UniPDF > updf;
// Create PUP deserializer based on message passed in
PUP::fromMem creator( msgs[0]->getData() );
// Deserialize PDFs from raw stream
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
creator | meshid;
creator | updf;
for (int m=1; m<nmsg; ++m) {
// Unpack PDF
std::size_t mid;
std::vector< tk::UniPDF > u;
PUP::fromMem curCreator( msgs[m]->getData() );
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
curCreator | mid;
curCreator | u;
// Merge PDFs
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
meshid = mid;<--- Unmatched suppression: uninitvar
std::size_t i = 0;
// cppcheck-suppress knownEmptyContainer
// cppcheck-suppress containerOutOfBounds
for (const auto& p : u) updf[i++].addPDF( p );
// Serialize vector of merged PDF to raw stream
// cppcheck-suppress uninitvar
auto stream = tk::serialize( meshid, updf );<--- Unmatched suppression: uninitvar
// Forward serialized PDFs
return CkReductionMsg::buildNew( stream.first, stream.second.get() );
} // tk::