dir src Root of the source tree.
dir Base Basic, general, generic utilities, reused across all executables.
- file Benchmark.hpp Macro definitions for fine-grained benchmarking.
- file Callback.hpp Tagged tuple types used for passing Charm++ callbacks.
- file Compiler.hpp Compiler definitions.
- file ContainerUtil.hpp Various STL container utilities.
- file Data.hpp Generic data storage with different memory layouts.
- file Exception.cpp Exception class definition.
- file Exception.hpp Exception class declaration.
- file Fields.hpp Fields used to store data associated to mesh entities.
- file Flip_map.hpp Flip a std::map yielding a multimap sorted by std::map::value_type.
- file Has.hpp "Has-a" utilities for detecting class internals
- file If.hpp Compile-time type selection.
- file LoadDistributor.cpp Load distributors.
- file LoadDistributor.hpp Load distributors and partitioning data types.
- file Print.hpp General purpose pretty printer functionality.
- file PrintTaggedTuple.hpp Simple (unformatted, one-line) TaggedTuple printer.
- file PrintTaggedTupleDeep.hpp Structured TaggedTuple printer with depth/indentation.
- file PrintUtil.hpp String conversion utilities.
- file ProcessException.cpp Process an exception.
- file ProcessException.hpp Process an exception definition.
- file Progress.hpp Simple progress indicator.
- file PUPUtil.hpp Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities.
- file Reader.cpp Reader class definition.
- file Reader.hpp Reader base class declaration.
- file Table.hpp Basic functionality for storing and sampling a discrete (y1,y2,...,yN) = f(x) function.
- file TaggedTuple.hpp Tagged tuple allowing tag-based access.
- file Timer.cpp Timer definition.
- file Timer.hpp Timer declaration.
- file Types.hpp Toolkit-level type definitions.
- file Vector.hpp Vector algebra.
- file Writer.cpp Writer base class definition.
- file Writer.hpp Writer base class declaration.
dir Control Command line and input file parsing and grammars for all executables.
- file InciterConfig.cpp Lua parser for Inciter's control file.
- file InciterConfig.hpp Inciter confguration (parsed from cmdline and control file)
- file Lua.c Implementation of minilua.
- file LuaParser.hpp Lua parser header.
- file MeshConvConfig.hpp MeshConv's command line.
- file StatCtr.hpp Types and associated functions to deal with moments and PDFs.
- file UnitTestConfig.hpp UnitTest's command line.
dir Inciter Functionality specific to Inciter
- dir AMR Adaptive mesh refinement for Inciter
- file ChoCG.cpp ChoCG: Projection-based solver for incompressible flow.
- file ChoCG.hpp ChoCG: Projection-based solver for incompressible flow.
- file Diagnostics.hpp Common data for collecting diagnostics.
- file DiagReducer.cpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging diagnostics across PEs.
- file DiagReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging diagnostics across PEs.
- file Discretization.cpp
- file Discretization.hpp
- file History.hpp Types for collecting history output.
- file IntegralReducer.cpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging integrals across PEs.
- file IntegralReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging integrals across PEs.
- file Integrals.hpp Common data for collecting integrals.
- file KozCG.cpp KozCG: Taylor-Galerkin, FCT, element-based continuous Galerkin.
- file KozCG.hpp KozCG: Taylor-Galerkin, FCT, element-based continuous Galerkin.
- file LaxCG.cpp LaxCG: Time-derivative preconditioning for all Ma.
- file LaxCG.hpp LaxCG: Time-derivative preconditinoing for all Ma.
- file LohCG.cpp LohCG: Artificial compressibility solver for incompressible flow.
- file LohCG.hpp LohCG: Artificial compressibility solver for incompressible flow.
- file NodeDiagnostics.cpp NodeDiagnostics class for collecting nodal diagnostics.
- file NodeDiagnostics.hpp NodeDiagnostics class for collecting diagnostics.
- file Partitioner.cpp Charm++ chare partitioner nodegroup used to perform mesh partitioning.
- file Partitioner.hpp Charm++ chare partitioner nodegroup used to perform mesh partitioning.
- file PartsReducer.cpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging mesh part assignments across PEs.
- file PartsReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging mesh part assignments across PEs.
- file PUPAMR.cpp Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities for AMR.
- file PUPAMR.hpp Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities for AMR.
- file Refiner.cpp Mesh refiner for interfacing the mesh refinement library.
- file Refiner.hpp Mesh refiner for interfacing the mesh refinement library.
- file RieCG.cpp RieCG: Riemann, MUSCL, Runge-Kutta, edge-based continuous Galerkin.
- file RieCG.hpp RieCG: Riemann, MUSCL, Runge-Kutta, edge-based continuous Galerkin.
- file Sorter.cpp Mesh sorter for global distributed mesh reordering.
- file Sorter.hpp Mesh sorter for global distributed mesh reordering.
- file Transporter.cpp Transporter drives the time integration of transport equations.
- file Transporter.hpp Transporter drives the time integration of transport equations.
- file ZalCG.cpp ZalCG: Taylor-Galerkin, FCT, edge-based continuous Galerkin.
- file ZalCG.hpp ZalCG: Taylor-Galerkin, FCT, edge-based continuous Galerkin.
dir IO File input and output.
- file ASCMeshReader.cpp ASC mesh reader class definition.
- file ASCMeshReader.hpp ASC mesh reader class declaration.
- file DiagWriter.cpp Text diagnostics writer declaration.
- file DiagWriter.hpp Text diagnostics writer definition.
- file ExodusIIMeshReader.cpp ExodusII mesh reader.
- file ExodusIIMeshReader.hpp ExodusII mesh reader.
- file ExodusIIMeshWriter.cpp ExodusII mesh-based data writer.
- file ExodusIIMeshWriter.hpp ExodusII mesh-based data writer.
- file GmshMeshIO.hpp Gmsh mesh reader and writer related types.
- file GmshMeshReader.cpp Gmsh mesh reader class definition.
- file GmshMeshReader.hpp Gmsh mesh reader class declaration.
- file GmshMeshWriter.cpp Gmsh mesh writer class definition.
- file GmshMeshWriter.hpp Gmsh mesh writer class declaration.
- file MeditMeshReader.cpp Medit mesh reader class definition.
- file MeditMeshReader.hpp Medit mesh reader class declaration.
- file MeshDetect.cpp Unstructured mesh file format detection.
- file MeshDetect.hpp Unstructured mesh file format detection.
- file MeshFactory.cpp Unstructured mesh reader and writer factory.
- file MeshFactory.hpp Unstructured mesh reader and writer factory.
- file MeshWriter.cpp Charm++ group for outputing mesh data to file.
- file MeshWriter.hpp Charm++ group for outputing mesh data to file.
- file NetgenMeshReader.cpp Netgen mesh reader class definition.
- file NetgenMeshReader.hpp Netgen mesh reader class declaration.
- file NetgenMeshWriter.cpp Netgen mesh writer class definition.
- file NetgenMeshWriter.hpp Netgen mesh writer class declaration.
- file PDFWriter.cpp Univariate PDF writer.
- file PDFWriter.hpp PDF writer class declaration.
- file RDGFLOMeshReader.cpp RDGFLO mesh reader class declaration.
- file RDGFLOMeshReader.hpp RDGFLO mesh reader class declaration.
- file UGRIDMeshReader.cpp UGRID mesh reader class declaration.
- file UGRIDMeshReader.hpp UGRID mesh reader class declaration.
dir Main Driver routines for all executables.
- file Inciter.cpp Inciter, computational shock hydrodynamics tool, Charm++ main chare.
- file Init.cpp Common initialization routines for main() functions for multiple exectuables.
- file Init.hpp Common initialization routines for main() functions for multiple exectuables.
- file LBSwitch.cpp Charm++ chare group for switching on/off load balancing.
- file LBSwitch.hpp Charm++ chare group for switching on/off load balancing.
- file MeshConv.cpp Mesh file converter Charm++ main chare.
- file MeshConvDriver.cpp Mesh converter driver.
- file MeshConvDriver.hpp Mesh converter driver.
- file UnitTest.cpp UnitTest's Charm++ main chare and main().
dir Mesh Functionality related to unstructured meshes and derived data structures.
- file Around.hpp Helper class for iterating through linked lists of derived data.
- file Centering.hpp Mesh solution location (centering)
- file DerivedData.cpp Generate data structures derived from unstructured mesh.
- file DerivedData.hpp Generate data structures derived from unstructured mesh.
- file Gradients.cpp Functions computing gradients on unstructured meshes for tetrahedra.
- file Gradients.hpp Functions computing gradients on unstructured meshes for tetrahedra.
- file Reorder.cpp Mesh reordering routines for unstructured meshes.
- file Reorder.hpp Mesh reordering routines for unstructured meshes.
- file UnsMesh.hpp 3D unstructured mesh class declaration
dir NoWarning Include files turning on/off specific compiler warnings for third-party library includes.
- file any.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/any.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file cgreceiver.decl.h Include cgreceiver.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file cgreceiver.def.h Include cgreceiver.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charm++.hpp Include charm++.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charm.hpp Include charm.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charmtimer.def.h Include charmtimer.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file chocg.decl.h Include chocg.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file chocg.def.h Include chocg.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file collector.def.h Include collector.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file conjugategradients.decl.h Include conjugategradients.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file conjugategradients.def.h Include conjugategradients.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file discretization.decl.h Include discretization.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file discretization.def.h Include discretization.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file exodusII.hpp Include exodusII.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file inciter.decl.h Include inciter.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file inciter.def.h Include inciter.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file index_of.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/index_of.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file kozcg.decl.h Include kozcg.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file kozcg.def.h Include kozcg.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file laxcg.decl.h Include laxcg.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file laxcg.def.h Include laxcg.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file lbswitch.decl.h Include lbswitch.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file lbswitch.def.h Include lbswitch.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file lohcg.decl.h Include lohcg.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file lohcg.def.h Include lohcg.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file meshconv.decl.h Include meshconv.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file meshconv.def.h Include meshconv.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file meshwriter.decl.h Include meshwriter.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file meshwriter.def.h Include meshwriter.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file migrated.def.h Include migrated_base.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file mpi.hpp Include mpi.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file partition.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/partition.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file partitioner.decl.h Include partitioner.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file partitioner.def.h Include partitioner.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pup.hpp Include pup.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pup_stl.hpp Include pup_stl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file quietcerr.decl.h Include quietcerr.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file quietcerr.def.h Include quietcerr.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file refiner.decl.h Include refiner.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file refiner.def.h Include refiner.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file riecg.decl.h Include riecg.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file riecg.def.h Include riecg.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file set.hpp Include brigand/sequences/set.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sip_hash.hpp Include highwayhash/sip_hash.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sorter.decl.h Include sorter.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sorter.def.h Include sorter.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file transporter.decl.h Include transporter.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file transporter.def.h Include transporter.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut.hpp Include tut/tut.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut_result.hpp Include tut/tut_result.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut_runner.hpp Include tut/tut_runner.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tutsuite.decl.h Include tutsuite.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tutsuite.def.h Include tutsuite.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tuttest.decl.h Include tuttest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tuttest.def.h Include tuttest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file unittest.decl.h Include unittest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file unittest.def.h Include unittest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file zalcg.decl.h Include zalcg.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file zalcg.def.h Include zalcg.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
dir Partition Code interoperating with static mesh partitioners.
- file ZoltanGeom.cpp Interoperation with the Zoltan library's geometric partitioners.
- file ZoltanGeom.hpp Interoperation with the Zoltan library's geometric partitioners.
- file ZoltanGraph.cpp Interoperation with the Zoltan library's graph partitioners.
- file ZoltanGraph.hpp Interoperation with the Zoltan library's graph partitioners.
dir Physics Functions implementing physics: operators, boundary conditions, test problem-specific functionality, etc.
- file BC.cpp Boundary conditions.
- file BC.hpp Boundary conditions.
- file Box.cpp Initial conditions box related functionality.
- file Box.hpp Initial condition box related functionality.
- file Chorin.cpp ChoCG: Projection-based solver for incompressible flow.
- file Chorin.hpp ChoCG: Projection-based solver for incompressible flow.
- file EOS.hpp Equation of state functions.
- file Kozak.cpp KozCG: Taylor-Galerkin, FCT, element-based continuous Galerkin.
- file Kozak.hpp KozCG: Taylor-Galerkin, FCT, element-based continuous Galerkin.
- file Lax.cpp LaxCG: Time-derivative preconditioning for all Ma.
- file Lax.hpp LaxCG: Time-derivative preconditioning for all Ma.
- file Lohner.cpp LohCG: Artificial compressibility solver for incompressible flow.
- file Lohner.hpp LohCG: Artificial compressibility solver for incompressible flow.
- file Problems.cpp Problem-specific functions. Initial conditions, source terms.
- file Problems.hpp Problem-specific functions. Initial conditions, source terms.
- file Riemann.cpp Riemann, MUSCL, limiting for edge-based continuous Galerkin.
- file Riemann.hpp Riemann, MUSCL, limiting for edge-based continuous Galerkin.
- file Zalesak.cpp Zalesak, FCT limiting for edge-based continuous Galerkin.
- file Zalesak.hpp Zalesak, FCT limiting for edge-based continuous Galerkin.
dir Statistics Estimating statistical moments and probablity distributions from ensembles.
- file PDFReducer.cpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
- file PDFReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
- file UniPDF.hpp Univariate PDF estimator.
dir UnitTest Functionality specific to UnitTest
- file QuietCerr.cpp Charm++ nodegroup to quiet std::cerr in a thread-safe fashion.
- file QuietCerr.hpp Charm++ nodegroup to quiet std::cerr in a thread-safe fashion.
- file TUTConfig.hpp Template Unit Test unit test configuration for all tests.
- file TUTSuite.cpp Template Unit Test suite class definition.
- file TUTSuite.hpp Template Unit Test suite class declaration.
- file TUTTest.cpp Template Unit Test unit test class definition.
- file TUTTest.hpp Template Unit Test unit test class declaration.
- file TUTUtil.hpp Utilities for unit testing with the Template Unit Test library.
dir Base Basic, general, generic utilities, reused across all executables.