namespace amgcl Primary namespace.
- namespace adapter Matrix adapters.
- namespace backend Provided backends.
- namespace coarsening Coarsening strategies.
- namespace perf_counter Performance counters for use with amgcl::
profiler. - namespace relaxation Smoothers.
- namespace solver Iterative solvers.
namespace inciter Inciter declarations and definitions.
- namespace ctr Inciter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.
namespace meshconv Mesh converter declarations and definitions.
- namespace ctr Mesh converter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.
- namespace PUP Extensions to Charm++'s Pack/Unpack routines.
- namespace std STL namespace.
- namespace tk Toolkit declarations and definitions for general purpose utilities.
- namespace tut Unit test declarations and definitions.
namespace unittest UnitTest declarations and definitions.
- namespace ctr UnitTest control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.