namespace inciter Inciter declarations and definitions.
- namespace ctr Inciter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.
- class ChoCG ChoCG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with ChoCG.
- class Discretization Discretization Charm++ chare array holding common functinoality to all discretization schemes.
- class KozCG KozCG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with KozCG.
- class LaxCG LaxCG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with LaxCG.
- class LohCG LohCG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with LohCG.
- struct MESH_DATA Zoltan mesh data structure.
- class NodeDiagnostics NodeDiagnostics class used to compute diagnostics while integrating PDEs.
- class Partitioner
- class Refiner Mesh refiner for interfacing the mesh refinement library.
- class RieCG RieCG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with RieCG.
- class Sorter Mesh sorter for global distributed mesh node reordering.
- class Transporter Transporter drives the time integration of transport equations.
- class ZalCG ZalCG Charm++ chare array used to advance PDEs in time with ZalCG.
namespace meshconv Mesh converter declarations and definitions.
- namespace ctr Mesh converter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.
- class MeshConvDriver Mesh converter driver used polymorphically with tk::Driver.
- namespace PUP Extensions to Charm++'s Pack/Unpack routines.
- namespace std STL namespace.
namespace tk Toolkit declarations and definitions for general purpose utilities.
- class Around Helper class simplifying client code for iterating on entries surrounding entries via linked lists derived from unstructured mesh connectivity.
- class ASCMeshReader ASCMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class ConjugateGradients ConjugateGradients Charm++ chare array used to perform a distributed linear solve with the conjugate gradients algorithm.
- class CSR Compressed sparse row (CSR) storage for a sparse matrix.
class Data Zero-runtime-cost data-layout wrappers with type-based compile-time dispatch.
- struct int2type
- struct DeepTuplePrinter
- class DiagWriter DiagWriter : tk::
Writer. - class Exception Basic exception class for producing file:func:line info + call trace.
- class ExodusIIMeshReader
- class ExodusIIMeshWriter
- class GmshMeshReader
- class GmshMeshWriter
- struct HasFunction_expect_choices Detect if a type defines function 'expect::choices()'.
- struct HasFunction_expect_description Detect if a type defines function 'expect::description()'.
- struct HasTypedef_alias Detect if a type defines type 'alias'.
- struct HasTypedef_code Detect if a type defines type 'code'.
- struct HasTypedef_i_am_tagged_tuple Detect if a type defines type 'i_am_tagged_tuple'.
- struct HasVar_expect_lower Detect if a type defines variable 'expect::lower'.
- struct HasVar_expect_upper Detect if a type defines variable 'expect::upper'.
- struct if_ Type selection: if_< Condition, Then, Else >::
type. - class LBSwitch
- class MeditMeshReader MeditMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class MeshWriter Charm++ group used to output particle data to file in parallel.
- class NetgenMeshReader NetgenMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class NetgenMeshWriter
- class PDFWriter PDFWriter : Writer.
- class Print
- class Progress
- class QuietCerr
- class RDGFLOMeshReader RDGFLOMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class Reader
class TaggedTuple Tagged tuple, allowing tag-based access.
- struct is_tagged_tuple_t False-overload for detecting if T is a tagged tuple.
- struct is_tagged_tuple_t<T, std::void_t<typename T::i_am_tagged_tuple>> True-overload for detecting if T is a tagged tuple.
- class Timer Simple class to do timing.
- struct TuplePrinter
- class UGRIDMeshReader UGRIDMeshReader : tk::
Reader. - class UniPDF Univariate PDF estimator.
- class UnsMesh 3D unstructured mesh class
- class Writer
- namespace tut Unit test declarations and definitions.
- namespace unittest UnitTest declarations and definitions.
- class execute Charm++ chare execute.
- class Main Charm++ main chare for the shock hydrodynamics executable, inciter.