LohCG: Inviscid flow past a sphere
This example uses LohCG in Inciter to compute the inviscid constant-density (incompressible) flow past a sphere. Since the analytic solution of this problem is known from potential flow theory, we can use it to verify the correctness of the software implementation of the method.
Problem setup
Due to the spatial symmetry of the problem, only quarter of the sphere is represented. The computational mesh consists of 73,397 tetrahedra connecting 14,281 points, whose surface mesh is depicted below. The initial conditions prescribe the free-stream velocity of . As boundary conditions, the pressure is set to zero at the outflow and the velocity is set to at the inflow. Symmetry (free-slip) conditions are applied on the sphere, the symmetry and farfield surfaces.

Code revision to reproduce
To reproduce the results below, use code revision 621987c and the control file below.
Control file
-- vim: filetype=lua: print "Inviscid quarter sphere" -- mesh: sphere_quarter.exo term = 0.2 ttyi = 10 cfl = 0.7 solver = "lohcg" flux = "damp4" stab2 = true stab2coef = 0.2 soundspeed = 50.0 rk = 2 part = "phg" pressure = { iter = 300, tol = 1.0e-4, pc = "jacobi", bc_dir = { { 7, 1 } } } ic = { velocity = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 } } bc_dir = { { 6, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, { 7, 1, 0, 0, 0 } } bc_sym = { sideset = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } } fieldout = { iter = 1000, sideset = { 1, 2, 3 } } diag = { iter = 1, format = "scientific", precision = 12 }
Run on a single CPU
Main/inciter -i sphere_quarter.exo -c sphere_lohcg_inviscid_quarter.q
Visualization and numerical results
ParaView can be used for interactive visualization of the numerically computed 3D fields as
paraview out.e-s.0.1.0
The velocity magnitude along the X axis following the sphere surface is depicted below.