inciter::ctr namespace

Inciter control facilitating user input to internal data transfer.


class Config
Config is a TaggedTuple specialized to Inciter.


using ConfigMembers = brigand::list<tag::commit, std::string, tag::input, std::string, tag::control, std::string, tag::output, std::string, tag::diag, std::string, tag::diag_iter, uint64_t, tag::diag_precision, std::streamsize, tag::diag_format, std::string, tag::checkpoint, std::string, tag::quiescence, bool, tag::virt, double, tag::nonblocking, bool, tag::benchmark, bool, tag::feedback, bool, tag::lbfreq, uint64_t, tag::lbtime, double, tag::rsfreq, uint64_t, tag::nstep, uint64_t, tag::ttyi, uint64_t, tag::term, double, tag::cfl, double, tag::rk, uint64_t, tag::theta, double, tag::t0, double, tag::dt, double, tag::turkel, double, tag::soundspeed, double, tag::velinf, std::vector<double>, tag::pre_iter, uint64_t, tag::pre_tol, double, tag::pre_verbose, uint64_t, tag::pre_hydrostat, uint64_t, tag::pre_pc, std::string, tag::pre_bc_dir, std::vector<std::vector<int>>, tag::pre_bc_dirval, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::pre_bc_sym, std::vector<int>, tag::mom_iter, uint64_t, tag::mom_tol, double, tag::mom_verbose, uint64_t, tag::mom_pc, std::string, tag::reorder, bool, tag::part, std::string, tag::zoltan_params, std::vector<std::string>, tag::solver, std::string, tag::stab, bool, tag::stab2, bool, tag::stab2coef, double, tag::fct, bool, tag::fctdif, double, tag::fctclip, bool, tag::fctsys, std::vector<uint64_t>, tag::fctfreeze, double, tag::deactivate, bool, tag::deatol, double, tag::deadif, double, tag::deafreq, uint64_t, tag::deasys, std::vector<uint64_t>, tag::deatime, double, tag::flux, std::string, tag::steady, bool, tag::residual, double, tag::rescomp, uint64_t, tag::problem, std::string, tag::problem_ncomp, uint64_t, tag::problem_alpha, double, tag::problem_kappa, double, tag::problem_beta, std::vector<double>, tag::problem_r0, double, tag::problem_p0, double, tag::problem_ce, double, tag::problem_src, tk::TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::location, std::vector<double>, tag::radius, double, tag::release_time, double>>, tag::freezeflow, double, tag::freezetime, double, tag::fieldout, std::vector<int>, tag::fieldout_iter, uint64_t, tag::fieldout_time, double, tag::fieldout_range, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::histout, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::histout_iter, uint64_t, tag::histout_time, double, tag::histout_range, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::histout_precision, std::streamsize, tag::histout_format, std::string, tag::integout, std::vector<int>, tag::integout_iter, uint64_t, tag::integout_time, double, tag::integout_range, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::integout_precision, std::streamsize, tag::integout_format, std::string, tag::integout_integrals, std::vector<std::string>, tag::ic, std::vector<tk::TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::x, std::vector<double>, tag::y, std::vector<double>, tag::z, std::vector<double>, tag::ic_density, double, tag::ic_pressure, double, tag::ic_energy, double, tag::ic_temperature, double, tag::ic_velocity, std::vector<double>>>>, tag::ic_density, double, tag::ic_pressure, double, tag::ic_energy, double, tag::ic_temperature, double, tag::ic_velocity, std::vector<double>, tag::bc_dir, std::vector<std::vector<int>>, tag::bc_dirval, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::bc_sym, std::vector<int>, tag::bc_noslip, std::vector<int>, tag::bc_far, std::vector<int>, tag::bc_far_density, double, tag::bc_far_pressure, double, tag::bc_far_velocity, std::vector<double>, tag::bc_pre, std::vector<std::vector<int>>, tag::bc_pre_density, std::vector<double>, tag::bc_pre_pressure, std::vector<double>, tag::mat_spec_heat_ratio, double, tag::mat_spec_heat_const_vol, double, tag::mat_spec_gas_const, double, tag::mat_heat_conductivity, double, tag::mat_dyn_viscosity, double, tag::mat_dyn_diffusivity, double, tag::href_t0, bool, tag::href_dt, bool, tag::href_dtfreq, uint64_t, tag::href_maxlevels, uint64_t, tag::href_refvar, std::vector<uint64_t>, tag::href_error, std::string, tag::href_init, std::vector<std::string>>
Member data for tagged tuple.


static void dumpstack(lua_State* L)
static auto sigint(lua_State* L, const char* name, int64_t def = largeint, bool global = false) -> int64_t
static auto unsigint(lua_State* L, const char* name, uint64_t def = largeuint, bool global = false) -> uint64_t
static auto boolean(lua_State* L, const char* name, bool def = false, bool global = false) -> bool
static auto real(lua_State* L, const char* name, double def = largereal, bool global = false) -> double
static auto string(lua_State* L, const char* name, const char* def = "default", bool global = false) -> std::string
static auto vector(lua_State* L, const char* name, double def = largereal, bool global = false) -> std::vector<double>
static auto stringlist(lua_State* L, const char* name, bool global = false) -> std::vector<std::string>
static auto unsigints(lua_State* L, const char* name, bool global = false) -> std::vector<uint64_t>
static auto sideset(lua_State* L, bool global = false) -> std::vector<int>
static auto range(lua_State* L, bool global = false) -> std::vector<std::vector<double>>
static void fieldout(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void histout(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void integout(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void diag(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void bc_dir(lua_State* L, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& mask, bool global = false)
static void bc_dirval(lua_State* L, std::vector<std::vector<double>>& val, bool global = false)
static void bc_sym(lua_State* L, std::vector<int>& s, bool global = false)
static void bc_noslip(lua_State* L, std::vector<int>& s, bool global = false)
static void bc_far(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void bc_pre(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void ic(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void mat(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void problem(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void href(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void deactivate(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void pressure(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void momentum(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)
static void lb(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

Typedef documentation

using inciter::ctr::ConfigMembers = brigand::list<tag::commit, std::string, tag::input, std::string, tag::control, std::string, tag::output, std::string, tag::diag, std::string, tag::diag_iter, uint64_t, tag::diag_precision, std::streamsize, tag::diag_format, std::string, tag::checkpoint, std::string, tag::quiescence, bool, tag::virt, double, tag::nonblocking, bool, tag::benchmark, bool, tag::feedback, bool, tag::lbfreq, uint64_t, tag::lbtime, double, tag::rsfreq, uint64_t, tag::nstep, uint64_t, tag::ttyi, uint64_t, tag::term, double, tag::cfl, double, tag::rk, uint64_t, tag::theta, double, tag::t0, double, tag::dt, double, tag::turkel, double, tag::soundspeed, double, tag::velinf, std::vector<double>, tag::pre_iter, uint64_t, tag::pre_tol, double, tag::pre_verbose, uint64_t, tag::pre_hydrostat, uint64_t, tag::pre_pc, std::string, tag::pre_bc_dir, std::vector<std::vector<int>>, tag::pre_bc_dirval, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::pre_bc_sym, std::vector<int>, tag::mom_iter, uint64_t, tag::mom_tol, double, tag::mom_verbose, uint64_t, tag::mom_pc, std::string, tag::reorder, bool, tag::part, std::string, tag::zoltan_params, std::vector<std::string>, tag::solver, std::string, tag::stab, bool, tag::stab2, bool, tag::stab2coef, double, tag::fct, bool, tag::fctdif, double, tag::fctclip, bool, tag::fctsys, std::vector<uint64_t>, tag::fctfreeze, double, tag::deactivate, bool, tag::deatol, double, tag::deadif, double, tag::deafreq, uint64_t, tag::deasys, std::vector<uint64_t>, tag::deatime, double, tag::flux, std::string, tag::steady, bool, tag::residual, double, tag::rescomp, uint64_t, tag::problem, std::string, tag::problem_ncomp, uint64_t, tag::problem_alpha, double, tag::problem_kappa, double, tag::problem_beta, std::vector<double>, tag::problem_r0, double, tag::problem_p0, double, tag::problem_ce, double, tag::problem_src, tk::TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::location, std::vector<double>, tag::radius, double, tag::release_time, double>>, tag::freezeflow, double, tag::freezetime, double, tag::fieldout, std::vector<int>, tag::fieldout_iter, uint64_t, tag::fieldout_time, double, tag::fieldout_range, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::histout, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::histout_iter, uint64_t, tag::histout_time, double, tag::histout_range, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::histout_precision, std::streamsize, tag::histout_format, std::string, tag::integout, std::vector<int>, tag::integout_iter, uint64_t, tag::integout_time, double, tag::integout_range, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::integout_precision, std::streamsize, tag::integout_format, std::string, tag::integout_integrals, std::vector<std::string>, tag::ic, std::vector<tk::TaggedTuple<brigand::list<tag::x, std::vector<double>, tag::y, std::vector<double>, tag::z, std::vector<double>, tag::ic_density, double, tag::ic_pressure, double, tag::ic_energy, double, tag::ic_temperature, double, tag::ic_velocity, std::vector<double>>>>, tag::ic_density, double, tag::ic_pressure, double, tag::ic_energy, double, tag::ic_temperature, double, tag::ic_velocity, std::vector<double>, tag::bc_dir, std::vector<std::vector<int>>, tag::bc_dirval, std::vector<std::vector<double>>, tag::bc_sym, std::vector<int>, tag::bc_noslip, std::vector<int>, tag::bc_far, std::vector<int>, tag::bc_far_density, double, tag::bc_far_pressure, double, tag::bc_far_velocity, std::vector<double>, tag::bc_pre, std::vector<std::vector<int>>, tag::bc_pre_density, std::vector<double>, tag::bc_pre_pressure, std::vector<double>, tag::mat_spec_heat_ratio, double, tag::mat_spec_heat_const_vol, double, tag::mat_spec_gas_const, double, tag::mat_heat_conductivity, double, tag::mat_dyn_viscosity, double, tag::mat_dyn_diffusivity, double, tag::href_t0, bool, tag::href_dt, bool, tag::href_dtfreq, uint64_t, tag::href_maxlevels, uint64_t, tag::href_refvar, std::vector<uint64_t>, tag::href_error, std::string, tag::href_init, std::vector<std::string>>

Member data for tagged tuple.

Function documentation

static void inciter::ctr::dumpstack(lua_State* L)

in Lua state

static int64_t inciter::ctr::sigint(lua_State* L, const char* name, int64_t def = largeint, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
def in Default if does not exist
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static uint64_t inciter::ctr::unsigint(lua_State* L, const char* name, uint64_t def = largeuint, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
def in Default if does not exist
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static bool inciter::ctr::boolean(lua_State* L, const char* name, bool def = false, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
def in Default if does not exist
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static double inciter::ctr::real(lua_State* L, const char* name, double def = largereal, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
def in Default if does not exist
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static std::string inciter::ctr::string(lua_State* L, const char* name, const char* def = "default", bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
def in Default if does not exist
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static std::vector<double> inciter::ctr::vector(lua_State* L, const char* name, double def = largereal, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
def in Default if does not exist
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack
Returns Vector components parsed

static std::vector<std::string> inciter::ctr::stringlist(lua_State* L, const char* name, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack
Returns List of strings parsed

static std::vector<uint64_t> inciter::ctr::unsigints(lua_State* L, const char* name, bool global = false)

in Lua state
name in Label to parse
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack
Returns List of unsigned integers parsed

static std::vector<int> inciter::ctr::sideset(lua_State* L, bool global = false)

in Lua state
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack
Returns Vector of side set ids parsed

static std::vector<std::vector<double>> inciter::ctr::range(lua_State* L, bool global = false)

in Lua state
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack
Returns Vector of vectors of range(s)

static void inciter::ctr::fieldout(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::histout(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::integout(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::diag(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::bc_dir(lua_State* L, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& mask, bool global = false)

in/out Lua state
mask in/out Config state to store Dirichlet BC setids and mask
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static void inciter::ctr::bc_dirval(lua_State* L, std::vector<std::vector<double>>& val, bool global = false)

in/out Lua state
val in/out Config state to store Dirichlet BC setids and values
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static void inciter::ctr::bc_sym(lua_State* L, std::vector<int>& s, bool global = false)

in/out Lua state
in/out Config state
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static void inciter::ctr::bc_noslip(lua_State* L, std::vector<int>& s, bool global = false)

in/out Lua state
in/out Config state
global in True to parse from global scope, false from table on stack

static void inciter::ctr::bc_far(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::bc_pre(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::ic(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::mat(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::problem(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::href(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::deactivate(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::pressure(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::momentum(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state

static void inciter::ctr::lb(lua_State* L, Config& cfg)

in/out Lua state
cfg in/out Config state